Maciej Ceglowski <>
Currently living in San Francisco. Authorized – but unwilling – to work anywhere in the United States or European Union.
Pinboard is a paid bookmarking site and personal web archive where I serve as a kind of electronic paterfamilias. Responsible for design, code, operations, budgeting, helping existing customers, and beating the gong to attract new ones. Aspiring to be Jeeves, mostly achieving Wooster.
Designed and built an internal data warehouse for Twitter.
Redesigned backend architecture for Aupeo.
Designed and built a spreading activation geographic recommendations engine for Platial.
Struggled with ad server infrastructure at SixApart. Ad server won.
Built a statistical language guesser for Sphere.
First engineer hired at Yahoo's internal startup incubator.
Worked as a backend developer, community manager and bug squasher on the Pipes visual Web programming environment. Designed and implemented a visual airfare search tool called FareMaps (last seen entering Yahoo Legal).
Was required to regularly read and add comments to a spreadsheet entitled 'Gamechangers!?'.
Wrote a burrito tunnel essay on company time.
Converted several hundred kilograms of oxygen into carbon dioxide.
Designed and built a JavaScript web application for bookmarking New York City restaurants. Created an iTunes recommendations engine using principal component analysis for France Telecom. With utter lack of shame, co-founded and wrote codebase for Podlinez, a service for listening to podcasts over a regular phone line (sold in December 2006). Built recommendations engine for
Worked in the Research in Information Technology program. Tried with great vigor but no success to get funding pulled from Chandler. Helped solicit and evaluate grant applications of an awfulness defying human description.
Built a number of open-source search engines and visualization tools for university use. These included a latent semantic search engine, a set of Perl modules for spreading activation search, a part-of-speech tagger for English, unsupervised clustering tools, and a weblog census.
Built database-driven websites for small retail businesses in Vermont.
Most of my work has involved LAMP and AJAX web applications, with some smaller projects in Java and C++. I maintain the following Perl modules on CPAN:
I also run the following online projects:
Pinboard, a lightweight bookmarking site targeted at people with large bookmark collections.
Wrong Tomorrow, a site for tracking predictions by pundits and public figures. (site currently down)
(with Joshua Schachter, Peter Gadjokov)
LOAF is a way to share social network information through email without exposing private information. LOAF files are Bloom filters (a kind of one-way hash) that ride along as attachments to email and can help recipients identify new correspondents who have exchanged email with people they already know.
A statistical language identifier derived from TextCat. Languid uses a statistical algorithm to select candidate languages from known training sets, and narrows its guesses based on which Unicode blocks are used in the unknown text.
(with Jason Williams)
A set of Flash extensions to Google maps for displaying very large data sets.
A free online directory of bedbug reports at hotels and street addresses across North America.
B.A., Middlebury College, 1997 (double major in Russian and Studio Art).