Transcript of space/ground comms immediately after Apollo 13 tank rupture.
055:55:19 | LMP | Okay, Houston - - |
055:55:20 | CDR | I believe we've had a problem here. |
055:55:28 | CC | This is Houston. Say again, please. |
055:55:35 | CDR | Houston, we've had a problem. We've had a MAIN B BUS UNDERVOLT. |
055:55:42 | CC | Roger. MAIN B UNDERVOLT. |
055:55:58 | CC | Okay, stand by, 13. We're looking at it. |
055:56:10 | LMP | Okay. Right now, Houston, the voltage is—is looking good. And we had a pretty large bang associated with the CAUTION AND WARNING there. And as I recall, MAIN B was the one that had had an amp spike on it once before. |
055:56:40 | CC | Roger, Fred. |
055:56:54 | LMP | In the interim here, we're starting to go ahead and button up the tunnel again. |
055:57:01 | CC | Roger. |
055:57:04 | LMP | Yes. That jolt must have rocked the sensor on—see now—QUANTITY 2. It—was oscillating down around 20 to 60 percent. Now it's full-scale high again. |
055:57:22 | CC | Roger. |
055:57:30 | CDR | And, Houston, we had a RESTART on our computer and we had a PGNCS light and the RESTART RESET. |
055:57:37 | CC | Roger. RESTART and a PGNCS light. RESET on a PGNCS, RESET - - |
055:57:44 | CDR | Okay. And we're looking at our S - SERVICE MODULE RCS HELIUM 1. We have - B is barber poled and D is barber poled, HELIUM 2, D is barber pole, and SECONDARY PROPELLANTS, I have A and C barber pole. BMAG temperatures? |
055:58:07 | LMP | Okay, AC 2 is showing zip. I'm going to try to reconfigure on that, Jack. |
055:58:13 | CC | Roger. |
055:58:25 | LMP | Yes. We got a MAIN BUS A UNDERVOLT now, too, showing. |
055:58:29 | CC | MAIN A UNDERVOLT. |
055:58:33 | LMP | It's reading about 25-1/2, MAIN B is reading zip right now. |
055:59:33 | CDR | And, Houston, Odyssey. |
055:59:38 | CC | Stand by 1, Jim. |
056:00:35 | CC | 13, Houston. We'd like you to attempt to reconnect fuel cell 1 to MAIN A and fuel cell 3 to MAIN B. Verify that quad Delta is open. |
056:00:53 | LMP | Okay, Houston. I'm showing - I tried to reset and fuel cell 1 and 3 are both showing gray flags, but they are both showing zip on the flows. |
056:01:08 | CC | We copy. |
056:03:17 | LMP | Okay, Houston. Are you still reading 13? |
056:03:20 | CC | That's affirmative. We're reading .you. We're trying to come up with some good ideas for you. |
056:03:29 | LMP | Okay. Let me give you some reading ... in the interim to help MAIN A voltage. Jack. I've got BUS TIE AC on. |
056:03:37 | CC | Say again, Fred. |
056:03:42 | LMP | In the interim, to help out MAIN A voltage, I've got MAIN BUS TIE BAT AC on. Or would you rather accept the 25 volts we are seeing on MAIN A? |
056:03:52 | CC | Okay. BUS TIE AC on. |
056:04:09 | CC | 13, Houston. We need OMNI Charlie, please. |
056:04:19 | LMP | You got it. |
056:05:32 | CC | 13, Houston. We'd like you to verify couple of readings for us. We would like the nitrogen pressure on fuel cell 1. We need the oxygen pressure on fuel cell 2. |
056:05:46 | LMP | Okay. Nitrogen on 1 and oxygen on 2. Is that correct? |
056:05:50 | CC | Negative. Oxygen on 3. |
Ten minutes have now elapsed since the accident. |
056:05:54 | LMP | Okay. |
056:06:24 | LMP | Okay. The systems test 1-A says zip. |
056:06:44 | LMP | And 2 Baker, which is 3 oxygen, says 0.6. |
056:06:50 | CC | 2 Baker says 0.6, and say again the other one. |
056:06:57 | LMP | Fuel cell 1 nitrogen reads zero. |
056:07:01 | CC | Roger. Zero. |
056:08:47 | CC | 13, Houston. We'd like you to open circuit fuel cell 1; leave 2 and 3 as is. |
056:08:55 | LMP | Okay. I'll get to work on that. |
056:08:57 | CDR | And, Jack, our O2 quantity number 2 tank is reading zero. Did you get that? |
056:09:04 | CC | 02 QUANTITY number 2 is zero. |
056:09:07 | CDR | That's AC, okay. Yes, that's good AC and it looks to me, looking out the hatch, that we are venting something. We are venting something out into the - into space. |
(First indication that the problem is not electrical, but physical damage) |
056:09:22 | CC | Roger. We copy your venting. |
056:09:29 | CDR | It's a gas of some sort. |
056:09:49 | LMP | Okay. Fuel cell 1, you just wanted it off the line now. Jack, is that right? |
056:09:52 | CC | We just wanted you to open the circuit on fuel cell 1. |
056:09:58 | LMP | Okay. She's off the line. |
056:12:47 | CC | 13, Houston. We see you getting close to gimbal lock there. We'd like you to bring up all quad Cs on MAIN A, quad C-l, C-2, C-3, C-4 on MAIN A, and also bring B-3 and B-4 up on MAIN A. |
056:13:14 | CC | 13, Houston. Do you read? |
056:13:20 | LMP | Yes. We got it. |
056:13:21 | CDR | Affirm. |
056:13:22 | CC | Okay. Can you tell us anything about the venting, where it is coming from, what window you see it at. |
056:13:30 | LMP | It's coming out of window 1, right now, Jack, and could you give me the thrusters again? |
056:13:35 | CC | Okay, the thrusters - - |
056:13:37 | LMP | What buses? |
056:13:38 | CC | We'd like - on MAIN A, we'd like Charlie 1, 2, 3, and 4. Also Bravo 3 and 4 on MAIN A. |
056:13:52 | LMP | Okay. Got it. |
056:14:42 | CC | 13, we need OMNI Bravo. |
056:14:46 | LMP | 0MMI Bravo. |
Twenty minutes have now elapsed since the accident. |
056:16:08 | CC | Okay, 13; this is Houston. We'd like you to to your G&C checklist, the pink pages, 1-5. To powerdown until we get a Delta of 10 amps. Over. |
056:16:21 | LMP | All right. Roger. |
056:17:03 | CDR | Okay, Jack, say again that - ... for the power- down; it's not in the pink pages, the 1-5. |
056:17:10 | CC | Okay. We'd like you to go down that powerdown procedure until you get a Delta of 10 amps. Over. |
056:17:21 | CDR | Roger. ... |
056:17:50 | CC | 13, Houston. Did you copy our powerdown request? |
056:17:57 | CMP | Roger, Jack. We're - yes, we're doing it right now. |
056:17:59 | CDR | Where did you say that was located. Jack? |
056:18:03 | CC | That's in your systems checklist, page 1-5. |
056:18:26 | CC | And, 13, you might also check for those pages in your launch checklist. They're emergency pages; pink pages, 1-5, and we'd like you to power down until you get - - |
056:18:37 | CMP | Okay. That was in the launch checklist, Jack. |
056:18:42 | CC | Roger. Power down until you get an amperage of 10 amps less than what you got now. Over. |
056:18:50 | CDR | Okay. |
056:22:06 | LMP | Okay. Jack. Are you happy with the amps we have now? |
056:22:10 | CC | Stand by 1, Fred. |
056:22:15 | CMP | Okay, Jack, and on this page 1-5, we proceeded right down the list, all the way down; we're right now at BMAG number 2 is in WARM UP. |
056:22:26 | CC | Roger. We copy BMAG 2 in WARM UP. We'll follow you through. |
056:22:31 | CMP | Okay, and something is giving us a reach. Jack, both in pitch and roll, so I'm suspecting that maybe it's whatever it is that's venting back there. I've had to use DIRECT in order to stabilize this, and as soon as I do, we're starting to pick up rates again. Can you pick up any jets firing? |
056:22:54 | CC | Stand by. What direction are your rates in. Jack? |
056:23:06 | CMP | It's negative pitch and negative roll. |
056:23:12 | CC | Roger. |
056:24:42 | CC | 13, Houston. We need to get some more instrumentation up. We'd like you to put INVERTER 1 on both AC BUSES. Over. |
056:24:53 | LMP | Okay. Okay, you got INVERTER 1 on both AC BUSES now. And Jack, one of the items that we turned off was the - all the fuel cell pumps. Okay, and you might let us know when fuel cell 2 needs its pump back; we ought to take care of that guy. |
Half an hour has elapsed since the accident. |
056:25:37 | CC | Roger. Okay, Fred, we want FUEL CELL 2 PUMPS to ACl, please. |
056:25:55 | CDR | FUEL CELL 2 to ACl. Roger. |
056:26:00 | LMP | Okay, it's on ACl. |
056:27:48 | CC | OMNI Charlie, please, 13. |
056:27:52 | CDR | OMNI Charlie. |
056:28:06 | CC | Okay, 13. We've got lots and lots of people working on this; we'll give you some dope as soon as we have it, and you'll be the first one to know. |
056:28:19 | CMP | Oh, thank you. |