Too Hot
There may finally be signs of hope with this New York summer. Blown papers and small children no longer spontaneously ignite in the street; Manhattan is again visible from Brooklyn, and some of the neighbors have even left their hammocks and plastic patio chairs to go inside for the first time in two months. The scraggly tre…
I'm Really Just A Sensitive Artist
This hybrid audio/text post has an optional soundtrack.
I first got pulled into computer programming - in a very loose sense - through the need to sell paintings. It was 1999, the Web was taking off, and it seemed like a good way to reach a large audience. The traditional way to sell artwork is through an art gallery, but as there…
A Rocket To Nowhere
The Space Shuttle Discovery is up in orbit, safely docked to the International Space Station, and for the next five days, astronauts will be busy figuring out whether it's safe for them to come home. In the meantime, the rest of the Shuttle fleet is grounded (confined to …
brevity is for the weak
Greatest Hits
The Alameda-Weehawken Burrito TunnelThe story of America's most awesome infrastructure project.
Argentina on Two Steaks A Day
Eating the happiest cows in the world
Scott and Scurvy
Why did 19th century explorers forget the simple cure for scurvy?
No Evidence of Disease
A cancer story with an unfortunate complication.
Controlled Tango Into Terrain
Trying to learn how to dance in Argentina
Dabblers and Blowhards
Calling out Paul Graham for a silly essay about painting
Attacked By Thugs
Warsaw police hijinks
Dating Without Kundera
Practical alternatives to the Slavic Dave Matthews
A Rocket To Nowhere
A Space Shuttle rant
Best Practices For Time Travelers
The story of John Titor, visitor from the future
100 Years Of Turbulence
The Wright Brothers and the harmful effects of patent law
Every Damn Thing
Every Damn Thing
Your Host
Maciej Cegłowski
maciej @ ceglowski.com
Please ask permission before reprinting full-text posts or I will crush you.