Idle Words Spring Offensive
I will be heading east in a couple of weeks to nose around Moldova and Ukraine. I would love to meet people who live in Chisinau, Odessa, or the curiously skinny republic of Transnistria (actual slogan: "Compared to Moldova, this is like the Riviera"). If you live there, or have contacts there, please drop me a line!…
Glorious Friedman
"The big wild card — a critical mass of people who share our aspirations inside these countries, rising up and leading the fight, which is ultimately what tipped Iraq for the better — I don’t see. As such, I fear we are sliding into commitments in Afghanistan and Pakistan without a real national debate about the ends or the means or the exits. That is a recipe for trouble."
Wrong Tomorrow
At the start of March, an economist named Robert Barro gazed deep into historical data and announced in a Wall Street Journal article that we had a 20% chance of falling into economic depression.
I found myself mesmerized by this prediction, a shining diamond of unfalsifiability. In Aug…
brevity is for the weak
Greatest Hits
The Alameda-Weehawken Burrito TunnelThe story of America's most awesome infrastructure project.
Argentina on Two Steaks A Day
Eating the happiest cows in the world
Scott and Scurvy
Why did 19th century explorers forget the simple cure for scurvy?
No Evidence of Disease
A cancer story with an unfortunate complication.
Controlled Tango Into Terrain
Trying to learn how to dance in Argentina
Dabblers and Blowhards
Calling out Paul Graham for a silly essay about painting
Attacked By Thugs
Warsaw police hijinks
Dating Without Kundera
Practical alternatives to the Slavic Dave Matthews
A Rocket To Nowhere
A Space Shuttle rant
Best Practices For Time Travelers
The story of John Titor, visitor from the future
100 Years Of Turbulence
The Wright Brothers and the harmful effects of patent law
Every Damn Thing
Every Damn Thing
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Maciej Cegłowski
maciej @ ceglowski.com
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