« Geek Factor 10 | Jose Padilla » |
We won! We won!
And the first player to score was named Emmanuel Olisadebe! Black, Nigerian-born, and fluent in Polish. Who knew? It's great to see that we're not just a land of lily-white potato eaters anymore. This might be old hat to Denmark, France, or Germany, but Poland is the most ethnically homogenous country in Europe, and it's great to see us going back to our multicultural roots.
Even better, I can savor this victory and at the same time rejoice at the American's going forward into the knockout rounds of the World Cup. Despite the loss, our boys still go forward ( note fluid use of 'our'), because the South Koreans won. Or something like that. It is very complicated and fancy.
No matter - it's the best of all worlds for me.
There's even happier news: the foal I saw the other day is alive and well. He was only sleeping, and coming back last night, I got to see him galloping about, all legs and spots, happy as as anything.
I feel foolish and also extremely relieved.
« Geek Factor 10 | Jose Padilla » |
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