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I've set up a discussion list on peer-to-peer search engines, since there seemed to be a lot of interest in the topic at the O'Reilly conference. The ultimate goal is to come up with a lightweight, flexible protocol that search engines can use to ask questions of each other, but it's a hard nut to crack.
If you'd like to be in on this information retrieval geek fiesta, send me an email and I'll get an invitation sent your way.
Also on an announcement note, you can now download our part-of-speech tagger/ noun phrase extractor (it slices! it dices!) as a Perl module on the CPAN. It's called Lingua::EN::Tagger, and 99.9% of it was written by my colleague Aaron Coburn, who will be presenting it in a lightning talk at this year's open source conference.
It's indexed under my name because I'm the one with the mad CPAN skillz.
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