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Martin Spernau has used the Perl module Search::ContextGraph to set up a neat feature on his weblog. Each post has an automatically generated list of related posts below it, so you can surf around similar entries without having to use the search box, or even know what you're looking for. Here's a sample entry that shows it in action - look in the section marked 'cg'.
It's a really cool feature that I can't wait to steal for Idle Words - all that's holding me back is having to come up with titles for 245 posts.
Martin also gave me some great feedback on the search code, which led to a big improvement in relevance ranking. If you're using Search::ContextGraph, make sure you have the latest version (0.07).
Unlike the LSI business, the context graph code should be very easy to integrate into Movable Type. If someone wants to try it, I'd be glad to help, just drop me a line.
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