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You too could be an instant winner! The better half discovered that I have a webpage up on Dave Winer's test site. If you believe Manila, it's been up since February.
A little digging with a Perl script reveals that a there's a whole bunch of these pages - check out the complete list of names.
A-list? C-list? Enemies list? Nominees for a Harvard PhD, honoris causa? First against the wall when the revolution comes?
If any readers can clear up this mystery, I'll send them an invitation to IdleCon, the blogging conference so exclusive that I must never speak of it again. Update:
Dave Winer nets himself the invitation, by being the first to explain what's going on.
Apparently, anyone who leaves a comment on his test site gets an auto-generated web page. This is done using the Hotel California approach - you can edit your user profile, but you can never, ever leave.
And my Winer number is now 1!
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