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inflated high figure for the total blogging population.
Such a total lack of critical thinking permeates the article:
"I have long felt that any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on a full suit of armor and attacked a Hot Fudge Sundae or a Banana Split." - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. That quote sums up exactly how I feel about the fight now brewing over weblog syndication formats. There's a prime case of tilting at sundaes up today at the CNET site - a histrionic article entitled "Battle of the Blog" (via Anil). The article comes out swinging:
As commercial interests have increasingly dominated the Internet, Web logs have come to represent a bastion of individual expression and pure democracy for millions of bloggers.This "millions of bloggers" business is really starting to get on my tits. I've been crawling the web for three months, updating from every source I can think of, and I've come up half million sites that you could reasonably call live weblogs. Thanks to LiveJournal's excellent stats page, I know they have at least 300,000 additional active weblogs that are still not in the census list. But that number will still fall short of even one million. I'm willing to believe that I wrote a really bad crawler, and that I have missed all kinds of blogs. Maybe Dave Sifry did, too. But seeing a claim like that, with no source attached to it, just makes me suspicious. How curious that this journalist interviewed a bunch of people, all of whom are really into weblogs, and then ended up with an unusually
Despite the apparent pettiness of developers' sniping, their arguments over digital minutia may carry enormous consequences, and corporate interests remain poised to capitalize on the conflicts if they are not resolved.Who are these corporate interests? What management genius at IBM is going to try and chase a market of under a million users, and sell them a service most of them now get for free? "Forget these enormous corporate clients, boys, let's go get us some bloggers!". It reads like the perennial Slashdot joke:
- Get bloggers to argue over RSS
- ...
- Profit!
- Language support: The format under development includes a required language attribute on content. This is a huge blessing for every one of the hundreds (I'm sorry, "millions!") of bloggers who write in multiple languages. Hell, it's a blessing for everyone, because it means better search engines.
- Clear technical definitions: Without going into excruciating detail, there are ambiguities in RSS that make it hard for programmers to work with the format. Proposals to clear up these ambiguities tend to mysteriously veer off into factionalism. A new format will give programmers clear definitions to work from, which in turn means aggregators and other tools will Just Work.
- More Power: That means support for photoblogs. It means support for people who post video and audio files, along with regular text. It means being able to syndicate comments along with the main body of your weblog post. The ability to move your blog to a different blogging with minimal hassle. The ability to update your weblog remotely and securely, using the same tools that you use to read syndicated feeds. One giant step towards a microcontent client.
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