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It has been rough going here for a couple of days. We don't have television up in Vermont - more specifically, we have a set but nothing comes in except staticky CBS - so whenever I do get near a working TV, I turn into a slavering idiot. Typically this happens at conferences and other such events; but now I am on a kind of working vacation with the better half down in Rhode Island, where the TV gets about a hundred channels. Only two days into our vacation, and already there are huge wasted chunks of my life that I will never get back:
- Celebrity Pets Unleashed!
- Top 5 Food Fads of the 70's
- World's Funniest Animal Videos
- Celine Dion: Behind the Music
- Christina Aguilera: Behind the Music
- Britney Spears: Behind the Music
Along with about 19 hours of watching live video of some building or other in Baghdad, and waiting for it to explode.
But now I have locked myself into the bedroom, like Odysseus lashing himself to the mast, except that Odysseus didn't have a laptop and most certainly would not have been caught dead watching Sirens: Behind the Music.
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Maciej Cegłowski
maciej @ ceglowski.com
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