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Seeking Testers For A Bookmarking Site
These are lean times in social bookmarking. The staff at del.icio.us has been eviscerated by layoffs, and the project is now being run by a skeleton crew. Magnolia, the other useful bookmarking site, has gone offline for the summer while it implements a new "don't irretrievably lose everyone's data" feature.
I was never able to make my peace with the delicious redesign, and like many other people ended up building my own little bookmark management tool. I would like to try and turn it into a public site that's a little less about the social and more about the bookmarks. Here's a representative sampling of feature ideas:
- searchable, cached content
- better bulk operations through a gmail-like 'star' interface
- a lightweight 'to read' status for stuff you want to get to later
- better support for private bookmarks and tags
- integration with twitter, facebook, IRC, the usual stuff
- retro interface (no tag chevrons, fewer than three toolbars per page, etc)
- don't irretrievably lose everyone's data
You can find a longer feature list here.
I am looking for volunteers to help me alpha test the service while it is still full of bugs. The ideal alpha tester is someone who does a lot of bookmarking, pines for the days before the del.icio.us redesign, and has endless reserves of patience. Please send me an email (maciej@ceglowski.com) if you are interested and I will send you an invite.
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Maciej Cegłowski
maciej @ ceglowski.com
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